Psychopathology for Psychotherapists

Surveying some of the key disorders in mental health

This bundle aims to organise our many articles, videos and other material on mental disorders into a useful vault of references for the mental health professional. This is a growing library of material to help orientate and inform therapists about specific psychopathologies and other difficulties that typically present. We encourage you to use the discussion option on specific pages to ask questions, make observations or make suggestions for additional resources.
Watch Intro Video


Introduction with Richard Hill & Matthew Dahlitz

Core Resources

For Standard Subscribers

  • 1


    • Welcome to Disorders

  • 2

    Affective disorders

    • Clinical Guide for "Affective Disorders"

    • Introduction to Affective Disorders

    • Depression - Introduction

    • Depression

    • Depression Part 2

    • A Clinical Biopsychological Theory of Loss-Related Depression

    • Anxiety - Introduction

    • Fear & Anxiety (Part 1)

    • Fear & Anxiety (Part 2)

    • Fear & Anxiety in The Feeling Brain by Elizabeth Johnston & Leah Olson

    • Bipolar Disorder - Introduction

    • Bipolar or Borderline (or PTSD or ADHD)? Managing Difficult Distinctions and Comorbidities

    • Bipolar Disorder and Depression with Dr Brian Quinn

    • SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER: SAD by Dr. Lori Ann Russell-Chapin

    • The New Mind-Body Science of Depression - David Van Nuys and Charles Raison

    • This is Your Brain on Loneliness

    • The Good, Bad, and Ugly of the Body's Stress Response System

    • Depression with Dr John Arden

    • Depressive Illness and Bipolar Disturbance: An Interview with Brian P. Quinn, PhD. Interviewed by Roger Keizerstein

    • Reid Wilson on Anxiety

    • What Are Emotions? An interview with Richard Brown

  • 3

    Anxiety Disorders

    • Anxiety - Introduction

    • Fear & Anxiety (Part 1)

    • Fear & Anxiety (Part 2)

    • Fear & Anxiety in The Feeling Brain by Elizabeth Johnston & Leah Olson

    • Reid Wilson on Anxiety

  • 4

    Autoimmune Encephalitis

    • Clinical Guide to Autoimmune Encephalitis - Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis & PANS/PANDAS

    • Understanding PANS & PANDAS: The Interplay of Immune System and Mental Health by Micaela Monteiro-Haig

    • What is PANDAS/PANS? by Beth Alison Maloney

    • Assorted Resources From the Web

  • 5

    Behavioral disorders

    • Clinical Guide to "Behavioral Disorders"

    • An Introduction to OCD

    • Impulse-Control/Self-Control Issues

    • Neural Underpinnings of OCD

    • What is Hoarding Disorder? by Carol A. Mathews

    • Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPCs) for the Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder by Dr. James Greenblatt

    • Exploring the Link Between Military Service and OCD: Understanding the Causes and Effects by Claire Szewczyk

  • 6

    Bipolar and Related Disorders

    • Bipolar Disorder - Introduction

    • Depressive Illness and Bipolar Disturbance: An Interview with Brian P. Quinn, PhD. Interviewed by Roger Keizerstein

    • Bipolar Disorder and Depression with Dr Brian Quinn

    • Bipolar or Borderline (or PTSD or ADHD)? Managing Difficult Distinctions and Comorbidities

  • 7

    Depressive Disorders

    • Depression - Introduction

    • Depression

    • Depression Part 2

    • A Clinical Biopsychological Theory of Loss-Related Depression

    • The New Mind-Body Science of Depression - David Van Nuys and Charles Raison

    • Depression with Dr John Arden

    • Depressive Illness and Bipolar Disturbance: An Interview with Brian P. Quinn, PhD. Interviewed by Roger Keizerstein

    • SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER: SAD by Dr. Lori Ann Russell-Chapin

  • 8

    Dissociative Disorders

    • Neurophenomenology and Trauma-Related Altered States of Consciousness by Paul Frewen & Ruth Lanius

  • 9

    Neurodevelopmental disorders

    • Clinical Guide to "Neurodevelopmental Disorders"

    • Introduction to Neurodevelopmental Disorders

    • Autism Documentary

    • ADHD Clinical Guide

    • Select ADHD Studies & Videos

    • Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPCs) for the Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder by Dr. James Greenblatt

    • Making Neurofeedback Work for ADHD

    • Bipolar or Borderline (or PTSD or ADHD)? Managing Difficult Distinctions and Comorbidities

    • ASD Clinical Guide

    • Select ASD Studies & Videos

    • Losing Autism by Mark and Michelle Hedges

    • Curated Videos - Living with ADHD, ASD, Bipolar

    • Therapist Cultural Humility is a Crucial Component of Psychotherapy with Autistic Clients By Erin Bulluss

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    Neurodegenerative disorders

    • Introduction to Neurodegenerative Disorders

    • Parkinson's Disease

  • 11

    Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

    • An Introduction to OCD

    • Neural Underpinnings of OCD

    • Impulse-Control/Self-Control Issues

  • 12

    Personality disorders

    • Clinical Guide to Personality Disorders

    • Borderline Personality Disorder

    • A MALADY OF REPRESENTATIONS – Dr. Russell Meares

    • Bipolar or Borderline (or PTSD or ADHD)? Managing Difficult Distinctions and Comorbidities

    • Bridging the evidence-based gap: From pathological narcissism to narcissism survivors by Maria Kostyanaya

    • Narcissism: The Shame-Negating Personality

    • The Wounded Healer or Under the Spell of a Covert Narcissist - A Case Study by Maria Kostyanaya

    • What’s Wrong with the Brains of Psychopaths? – William Hirstein

    • Disturbed Consciousness: New Essays on Psychopathology and Theories of Consciousness by Rocco J. Gennaro

  • 13

    Psychosis and Psychotic Disorders

    • Introduction to Psychotic Disorders

    • Introduction to Schizophrenia

    • What Schizophrenia can tell us about the left hemisphere of the brain by Matthew Dahlitz

    • Schizophrenia Research with Dr James Kesby

    • Schizophrenia Research with Professor Darryl Eyles

    • In Conversation With Rise Faith Rosello - Schizophrenia Rise Faith Rosello

    • Larry Ozowara talks about inpatient and outpatient care with an emphasis on Schizophrenia

  • 14

    Self Harm

    • The Neuropsychological Analysis of Self-Injurous Behavior by Derrick L. Hassert

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    Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders

    • Wired to Connect: Addiction as an attachment disorder (part 1) by Oliver Morgan

    • Wired to Connect: Addiction as an Attachment Disorder (part 2) by Oliver Morgan

    • Addiction - John Falcon

    • Dr Carl Erik Fisher on addiction

    • In Conversation with Sharif Darwish In Search of Recovery with Richard Hill & Sharif Darwish

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    Trauma disorders

    • Cinical Guide to Trauma Disorders

    • Introduction to Trauma Disorders

    • The Body in Stress & Trauma by Robert Scaer

    • A MALADY OF REPRESENTATIONS by Dr. Russell Meares

    • Neurophenomenology and Trauma-Related Altered States of Consciousness by Paul Frewen & Ruth Lanius

    • Grief and Loss in Young People: A Neuroscience Perspective by Karen Ferry

    • Reconsidering the Nature of Trauma by Bonnie Badenoch

    • I Am an Avatar of Myself Fantasy, Trauma, and Self-Deception by Terry Marks-Tarlow

    • Experiencing Trauma and the Arc of Recovery

    • Intergenerational Trauma in Remote Australia and Papua New Guinea: A Neuropsychological Perspective by Monika Knausenberger and Pieter Rossouw

    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Voluntary Forgetting of Unwanted Memories: An fMRI Study - Implications and Reflections - Pieter Rossouw

    • A Theoretical Commentary of Parent Abuse and Intersibling Violence From Both Neurobiological and Social Perspectives by Matthew Dahlitz

    • PTSD with Dr John Arden

    • Revolutionizing Trauma Treatment + Why I Wrote The Book by Babette Rothschild

    • Kathrin Stauffer talks about emotional neglect and the adult in therapy


5 star rating

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Neurological Underpinnings

Stephen Holmes

Once again I am reminded of the role of the PFC in modulating the runaway feedback loop and how useful this information is to clients. I am also reminded of ...

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Once again I am reminded of the role of the PFC in modulating the runaway feedback loop and how useful this information is to clients. I am also reminded of the role avoidance behaviour and "safety behaviour" has in maintaining anxiety. Need to help clients disengage from their feelings of dread/unease.

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5 star rating

Anxiety, stress, depression

John Falcon

Excellent delivery of these core disorders. Easy to follow the brain science because all presentations and authors build on each other. Very valuable focus o...

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Excellent delivery of these core disorders. Easy to follow the brain science because all presentations and authors build on each other. Very valuable focus on the brain gut axis in delivery of treatment. Good to hear the CBT response to anxiety and OCD with Red Wilson with mindfulness can be used as a 2nd step rather than putting clients in neutral. I do appreciate psycoeducating clients with introception so they can regulate themselves and then use excutive functions to develop strategies.

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5 star rating


lucia nemaric