In Conversation with Sharif Darwish In Search of Recovery
In Conversation with Sharif Darwish In Search of Recovery with Richard Hill & Sharif Darwish
Addiction Recovery in a Time of Social Distancing: COVID-19 and Recovery-oriented Practice
Addiction Recovery in a Time of Social Distancing: COVID-19 and Recovery-oriented Practice, by Oliver J. Morgan
The Addiction Recovery 4mat: Developing a Comprehensive, Client-Centred Treatment Plan
The Addiction Recovery 4mat: Developing a Comprehensive, Client-Centred Treatment Plan by Chris Davidson with Sean Thomas O’Brien
Addictive Drugs in Egypt on the Street and Over-the-Counter (0.5hr)
Addictive Drugs in Egypt on the Street and Over-the-Counter by Sherif Darwish
Neuropsychotherapy and Alcoholics Anonymous: Partners in Recovery Intervention (0.5hr)
Neuropsychotherapy and Alcoholics Anonymous by Lissa R
Work stressed and play? A brief look at competitive gaming
Work stressed and play? A brief look at competitive gaming by Mark Griffiths