About This Course

Volume 6 Issue 2 short reading course will take you though a few of the articles in this issue with questions to test your learning, and all of the article PDFs.

  • Short quiz after each section of reading – Certificate of completion upon finishing the course.

  • Coherence: The Heart Connection to Personal, Social and Global Health by Rollin McCraty

  • Neuroscience in Court: Your Behavior on Trial by Suzanne Podolski

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to NPT V6I2

    • Welcome to the course

    • Download The Neuropsychotherapist Volume 6 Issue 2

  • 2

    Concept of Coherence

    • Coherence: The Heart Connection to Personal, Social and Global Health

    • Coherence Quiz

  • 3

    Neuroscience in Court

    • Neuroscience in Court: Your Behavior on Trial

    • Neuroscience in Court Quiz

  • 4


    • Download Your Certificate