Course curriculum

  • 1

    Developing Deep Trance in Therapeutic Hypnosis

    • Developing Deep Trance in Therapeutic Hypnosis - Jan Dyba and Kathryn Rossi

    • Deep Trance Quiz

    • Certificate

Course Contents

The paper discusses a training program devised by Sachs and Anderson aimed at building hypnotic associations through associational bridges. The training is divided into three stages. In the first stage, clients are presented with a clear conception of sensory experiences associated with successful performance of a suggestion. The second stage involves self-paced successive approximations, where clients repetitively introduce experiences while increasing them in just noticeable difference steps. The third stage utilizes double-binds, creating a situation where clients must give a motor signal when they feel a sensation increase, leading to objective testing. Verbal reinforcement is provided throughout the process. The training utilizes actual physical stimuli and detailed descriptions to build associations for an unconscious inner search, facilitating hypnotic phenomena. The summary concludes with an overview of strategies to enhance hypnotic responsiveness, emphasizing positive attitudes, clear conceptions, eliciting clients' experiences, providing novel experiences, detailed training, and verbal reinforcements. The subsequent section discusses suggestions, implementation, and intention formation in hypnosis. It highlights the role of hypnotic suggestion as a precise tool for therapists to help clients elicit and utilize their resources. The importance of tailoring suggestions to individual clients and their personalities is emphasized. The Cold Control Theory of hypnosis is introduced, suggesting the creation of intentions without second-order thoughts, leading to an experience of involuntariness. The concept of "transformative suggestion" is proposed to strategically alter second-order thoughts. Implementation intentions, simple if-then plans, are explored as a way to increase hypnotic responsiveness by connecting situational cues to goal-directed behavior. Research by Gallo and colleagues demonstrates that implementation intentions, combined with hypnotic instruction, significantly enhance objective and experienced responding in hypnosis. The paper underscores the significance of structuring and building suggestions to enhance hypnotic abilities without prior training.

  • Understand the structure and components of the Carlton Skill Training Package, a program designed to enhance hypnotic abilities.

  • Identify the three distinct parts of the Carlton Skill Training Package and their respective roles in training subjects.

  • Comprehend the theoretical foundations behind the Carlton Skill Training Package, including the importance of positive expectancies and cognitive strategies.

  • Recognize the role of ideodynamic associative focusing in the training process and its contribution to hypnotic responsiveness.

  • Explore the condensed version of the Carlton Skill Training Package by Donald Gorassini and its effectiveness in increasing hypnotic abilities.

  • Examine another training package by Sachs and Anderson, focusing on the use of associational bridges to build hypnotic associations.

  • Understand the three stages of Sachs and Anderson's training program, involving sensory experiences, self-paced successive approximations, and double-binds.

  • Explore the utilization of actual physical stimuli and detailed descriptions to build associations for unconscious inner search in hypnotic phenomena.

  • Gain insights into various strategies for enhancing hypnotic responsiveness, including positive attitudes, clear conceptions, eliciting client experiences, providing novel experiences, detailed training, and verbal reinforcements.

  • Comprehend the role of hypnotic suggestion as a precise tool in communication and its significance in helping clients utilize their resources adaptively. Understand the Cold Control Theory of hypnosis and the concept of "transformative suggestion" in strategically altering second-order thoughts. Explore the use of implementation intentions as a strategy to increase hypnotic responsiveness by connecting situational cues to goal-directed behavior. Analyze research by Gallo and colleagues demonstrating the effectiveness of implementation intentions combined with hypnotic instruction in enhancing objective and experienced responding in hypnosis. Recognize the broader implications of well-tailored suggestions containing implementation intentions in significantly increasing a client’s hypnotic abilities without prior training.


Kathryn Rossi

Kathryn Rossi, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and certified yoga instructor (RYT 500). She is co-editor of the 16-volume Collected Works of Milton H. Erickson and is editor and co-author of numerous books and articles with Ernest Rossi. Her unique contribution is on the understanding of yoga as a therapeutic practice in relation to psychotherapy, cognition, and consciousness She is in private practice in Los Osos, California